Wednesday 30 May 2012

San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012: John Talabot

Está claro que a muchos artistas les gusta cultivar el misterio de su imagen. ¿Es si acaso por marketing? ¿Por crear un halo de misterio? ¿Generar tendencias? Nunca se sabe, pero está claro que lo importante a la hora de ponerse una máscara en el escenario al final no es el atuendo sino la calidad de lo que produce, o al menos si quieres ser justo al hablar simplemente de la creación musical. 

John Talabot, un chico de Barcelona, lleva años rodando alrededor del mundo con su estilo disco muy personal, buscado y seleccionado por las mejores revistas y productoras, dada la internacionalidad de su estilo. En una de sus visitas a si ciudad natal, lo veremos actuar el jueves 31 de Mayo en el San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012. Un éxito más en su lista, y The Whistles lo bailará porque lo vale. Será a las 3:10am, ya os contaremos como fue, al lado del mar y a esa hora, promete ser mágico. -Andrés Aguilar Caro (Barcelona)



It’s clear that many artists like to cultivate the mystery around their image. Is this the case for marketing purposes? Is it to create an aura of mystery? Generating trends? You never know, but it is clear that the important thing when putting on a stage mask, in the end, is that it is not the oufit you wear but the quality of what is produced, or at least, if you want to talk fairly, simply the musical creativity. 

John Talabot, a guy from Barcelona, has spent years going around the world with his very personal style of disco, he has been searched out and selected by the best magazines and producers, due to the international nature of his style. In one of his visits to his hometown, we will be seeing him on Thursday May 31 at San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012. One more success on his list, and where The Whistles will be dancing with him, because he's worth it. He will be on at 3:10 am, and we’ll tell you how it went; right next to the sea and at that time in the morning, it promises to be magical.