Wednesday 30 May 2012

San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012: Friends

Jueves 31 de Mayo del 2012, será el día en el que oficialmente The Whistles conocerá a Friends, cinco cuerpos de gira mundial y que por primera vez pasarán por un escenario Catalán con una gran bola de espejos, tal cual imitara Blondie en “Heart of Glass”, para hacernos bailar con la voz melodiosa y rabiosa de Samantha Urbani, diosa Indie venida desde el lejano Brooklyn. 

Si no fuera por el San Miguel Primavera Sound que les obliga a parar en Barcelona no tendríamos la gran oportunidad de verlas, y creo que tenemos la culpa de ello un poco, desde que las escuchamos por primera vez no hemos parado de pedirlas en todos los sitios, llevando su música debajo del brazo e intentándolas colar en cada fiesta. 

Seguro que bailaremos non stop por culpa de Samantha y su banda, pero seguro que también será su culpa que el viernes me despierte pensando en su sonrisa y que vaya cantando “I´m His Girl” mientras camino al trabajo, espero al menos no ser el único. -Andrés Aguilar Caro (Barcelona)


Thursday May 31st 2012, is the day that The Whistles will officially meet Friends, five bodies on a world tour that, for the first time, will be playing on a Catalan stage with a mirror ball, covering Blondie’s "Heart of Glass", and making us dance along to the melodious and wild voice of Samantha Urbani, Indie goddess hailing from the distant Brooklyn.

If it were not for the fact that San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012 is requiring them to stop at Barcelona I would not have this amazing opportunity to see them, and I think we have ourselves to blame a bit for this, due to the fact that this is the first time we have heard about them, but since then we have not stopped asking about them everywhere, taking their music in hand and trying to sneak it into every party we have attended.

It is absolutely certain that we will be dancing non stop because of Samantha and her band, but it will also surely be their fault that on Friday I will wake up thinking about her smile and be singing "I'm His Girl" as I walk to work, I hope that at least I won’t be the only one.