Photo: Shawn Brackbill
Supongo que si ahora mismo os digo, luego de un par de días en el San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012, que Jana Hunter es con su banda Lower Dens uno de los proyectos más interesantes este año, seguro que pensaríais que estoy exagerando o que me he vuelto loco, pero creo que El Shoegaze que tanto predico se refleja en su estilo freak-folk que no deja indiferente.
Solo como dato curioso, son producidos por el sello de nuestro Devendra Banhart, uno de esos pequeños mecenas de proyectos que van enmarcados para el éxito, no os los podéis perder, un excelente show está asegurado. -Andrés Aguilar Caro (Barcelona)
I guess if I say now, after just a couple of days at the San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012, that Jana Hunter, with her band Lower Dens, are one of the most interesting projects of this year, you would surely think that I am exaggerating or that I am going crazy, however I think that The Shoegaze that I am always preaching about is reflected in their certainly unforgettabe style of freak-folk.
Just as a curiosity, their production is hallmarked by the one and only Devendra Banhart, one of those small projects that she patronises that are then marked for success, You cannot miss them, it’s sure to be an amazing show.