Saturday 2 June 2012

San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012: Father John Misty

Photo: Emma Garr 

El otro día tuve que contestar una serie de preguntas inquisidoras sobre mi gusto musical, en la cuál tuve que confesar que el country ha inspirado mis influencias, y que el Folk ha siempre ladeado la balanza de los conciertos en vivo que prefiero ir a ver. Hay algo de ese sonido que me envuelve y reconforta, pero es algo tan personal que su descripción precisaría de una gran crónica (que prometo para el futuro). 

Para ladear la balanza siempre necesité una mezcla como la que promete Father John Misty, antiguo baterista de Fleet Foxes, que viene al San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012 presentando su último “Fear Fun”, rítmico y estimulante, un placer para los oídos mas selectos. Será la marca para comenzar este sábado 2 de Junio con una tarde cargada de música. Como siempre en los mejores conciertos The Whistles estará presente. -Andrés Aguilar Caro (Barcelona)



The other day I had to answer a series of questions inquiring about my musical tastes, in which I had to confess that Country music has been one of my inspiring influences, and that Folk Music has always made up the balance of live concerts that I prefer to watch. There's something about the sound that envelops me and comforts me, but it is so personal that a precise description would be a rather large chronical (something that I promise for the future). 

To tilt the balance I have always needed a mix, such as that promised by Father John Misty in his music, former drummer of Fleet Foxes, he is coming to San Miguel Primavera Sound 2012 and presenting his latest release "Fear Fun", rhythmic and uplifting, it is a pleasure for even the most selective ears. This will be the mark to start off Saturday 2nd June with an afternoon full of music. As always with the best concerts, The Whistles will be there.